Be sacrificial as we celebrate Memorial Day

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

Greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Wish you all a very happy Memorial Day. Lets remember all those who sacrified their lives for our freedom. Let’s also be thankful for the Cross that gave us freedom from sins and eternal life. The war against coronavirus has become increasingly savage and I heard that so many of our friends succumbed to it, leaving behind their loved ones and children as orphans. One of our partner organization has informed us that they lost more than 100 leaders. The need of the hour is to help those who are finding difficulty for basic survival. I asked myself and other board members of Light the Candle International Inc that, are we becoming complacent by just talking about the pandemic or even daily praying about it ? Are we offering the prayer sacrifices that cost us nothing? What about supporting evangelists who risk their lives to pray for the struggling and reaching out the sick? What about helping the medical staffs ?  If you have not had a sick period or loss of job or any other difficulties in the past 12 months, will you consider blessing those who are struggling? Especially to support those children who lost their parents and have no other means to survive on this earth.

We have updated our web site – Please take a look and also forward the links to your friends and family members. We plan to publish a spiritual message “Light For the week” every Sunday. Current blog page is “Praise Him” written by our vice-president Mr Kurian Varghese. Please bookmark this blog link : ].
I request all of you to visit our BLOG page every week -Monday to Saturday. We will publish a new message on Sundays.

Few of our projects resumed for short time and later forced to shut down. See the photos of our new project at RUPCHA Catholic Center Christu Jyothi CDC, Delhi. This new project was inaugurated in the first week of April, conducted activities for few weeks was forced to shut down to rising Covid cases.

As it is written in the book of James, chapter 2 ” 14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.”

Dear beloved in Christ, lets ask God, how can we step up to be the channels of His love during these difficult times? If you have any prayer requests, please email your request to: I recommend this song to reflect on the message I wrote above – “Anything that costs me nothing”, to watch on Youtube.

In His service, John Geevarghese